Category: Automatization

Powershell tips n’ tricks Pt2 – HTML

Powershell – SCCM Software Center server update

In our organization, we have SCCM for manual update deployment. I have a lot of servers I need to patch, on some regular basis. Most of my servers reside on VmWare infrastructure, and before every update I need to create a snapshot of each and every one.With the help of Powershell scripts and VmWare PowerCli …

Active Directory Logon Script

Hi, for some time now we used batch script to log user logon to theirs domain computers. What we collected via this script was something like this: Mon 02.01.2017., 7:55:06,64,user1,AD-PC1,Windows 7 or Server 2008R2,32 Bit Mon 02.01.2017., 7:55:42,90,user2,AD-PC2,Windows 7 or Server 2008R2,64 Bit Mon 02.01.2017., 7:55:46,51,user3,AD-PC3,Windows 7 or Server 2008R2,32 Bit Mon 02.01.2017., 7:55:50,94,user4,AD-PC4,Windows 7 …

SelfService Active Directory Powershell script

Hi everybody, We have a need for self service portal in our IT department. We arranged after work shifts, and if I’m not near my VPN connected PC, I needed to unlock or reset user passwords, or give users the ability to have their mangers do that for them. I needed unlock or password reset …